Reporting Bugs

On This Page

This page gives details on how to gather information and create a bug report:

The complete Daz library reportedly comprises over three million assets. The assets are the work of many different digital artists, all of whom have their own way of doing things. This means that there is a huge variance in the way assets are constructed and therefore converted.

Due to budget constraints, DTL can only be tested using a small subset of these assets. So whilst DTL has been thoroughly tested, issues still come up. It is very important that any issues are reported so that DTL can continue to improve. Your help towards improving DTL is very much appreciated!

If you are experiencing issues, please first check your process against the instructions given here in the documentation and check if your issue is described in the FAQ.

If after checking the documentation and FAQ you are still having issues, then please create a bug report by following the instructions below. Once complete, send the report via Discord or to dtl at

Reporting A Bug

Without logs and other details it is often impossible to address a bug. Here is a list of the information that needs to be in a bug report:

  • System:
    • Computer OS:
    • Processor:
    • GPU:
    • GB of RAM:
    • DTL Version:
    • Maya version:
    • DazStudio version:
    • DazToUnreal plugin version:
  • Step to reproduce: A few sentences on how to replicate the bug. This is essential; if the bug cannot be reproduced it cannot be fixed
  • Maya Console log: See section below for instructions on copying and sending the console log
  • Unreal Engine logs (if relevant): See section below for instructions on finding the UE logs after a crash
  • Any screenshots that might be helpful

Copying The Maya Console Log

The Maya console log gives lots of information about the conversion process and is essential for tracking down bugs in the conversion process. The log needs to be copied and pasted into a text file before it can be shared.

If the script editor is not already open, please open it by clicking the icon in the bottom right of the Maya interface:

Opening the Maya Scripting Console

The Maya Scripting Console

Once the script has been run, copy everything from the console log and paste it into a text file (e.g. notepad).

Save the file and send it in as part of the bug report.

Finding the Maya Logs

In as yet unknown circumstances, Maya can sometimes crash during the DTL conversion process. If Maya has crashed there should be a file called MayaCrashLog in C:\Users\ (your username) \AppData\Local\Temp\. Please include this file if Maya has crashed during the conversion process. I have not been able to reproduce the bug yet. At present, all reports have been from users with AMD processors, but it is not yet clear if this related to the cause of the crashes. Please ensure that you include your full computer spec as described above.

Finding the Unreal Engine Logs

The Unreal Engine editor logs can often help pinpoint the cause of a crash. If the Unreal Engine editor has crashed, you can find the full log of that session in YourProjectName\Saved\Logs folder.

Example Bug Report


  • Computer OS: Windows 10 Home
  • Computer RAM: 32GB
  • DTL Version: 1.52
  • Maya version: 2023.3
  • DazStudio version:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Select DigitalToLife.uproject
  2. Right Click -> Switch Unreal Engine Version -> select 5.2
  3. Drop the 5.2 version of the DazToUnreal plugin into the project's Plugins folder
  4. Open Project
  5. Convert Daz character using DTL process
  6. Import DTL character into Unreal Engine
  7. Assign Materials, Control Rig and AnimBP PP
  8. Open ThirdPerson | Maps | ThirdPerson_Map
  9. In ThirdPerson | Blueprints | BP_Third_Person, replace SKM in character with DTL figure
  10. Press play

Expected result:

      DTL figure can be used as normal

Actual result:

      Details of what actually happened here

Attached (as appropriate):

  • Maya console log
  • Unreal Engine logs
  • Screenshots