DTL Unreal Engine Demo Project
On This Page
This page gives an overview of the DTL Demo Project. Aside from demoing the featues and capabilities of DTL converted characters, the purpose of the project is to give a place where users can import their own figures, configure and then test them before migrating into their own projects.
Demo Project Assets
The project contain the following preconfigured assets to get you up and running as quickly as possible:
- Animation Post Process Blueprint preconfigured with PoseDriver assets to drive JCMs
- The DTL Component for quickly and easily configuring DTL features from within your Pawn / Character
- Standardised Skeleton Asset (works with all DTL converted figures regardless of original figure type)
- Control Rigs:
- Full Body Control Rig for animating figures within Unreal Engine (Standard UE content examples conversion)
- Feet Pose Control Rig for offsetting foot joint rotations to fit shoes
- Look At Control rig enabling figures eyes and head to follow the player camera or other objects around the scene
- Basic Foot IK Control Rig (Standard UE content examples conversion)
- Retargetting Rigs:
- Preconfigured IK Retargetter
- IK Retargetting Rigs (no toe joints)
- IK Retargetting Rigs (with toe joints)
- Physics Assets:
- Female with joint limits that match those in DazStudio
- Male with joint limits that match those in DazStudio
- Preconfigured Animation Blueprints demonstrating the following:
- Basic Foot IK Control Rig
- Look At Control Rig
- Jiggle Physics
- Lean Responses
Demo Project Maps
There are three demo maps in the project that demonstrate the above assets.
The maps are also useful for testing converted characters before migrating to your own project.
- Control Rigs and Realtime Morphing demo level with working examples. Used for testing preconfigured DTL functionality
- Third person demo level converted to use the DTL placeholder figure. Used for testing player character locomotion
- Sequencer demo level complete with the DTL placeholder figure and playable sequence. Used for testing a character in Sequencer